Friday 6 January 2012

Self worth - where are you?

I'm looking for my self worth, if you find it please let me know.

It's no wonder, considering what has happened, that I carry a bag full of guilt and self pity around with me.

I dislike me at the moment and I'm not friends with myself either. No wonder it all happened because I don't deserve to be happy...or do I?

Of course I do, I'm being the Devil's advocate here. I deserve happiness as much as the next man, or woman. I would go so far as to suggest there's very few people that deserve true happiness in life.

What if I never find my self worth, what if it is MIA, never to be seen again? What will become of me then?

I know you have to work at and build up your own self respect, but what happens when you hate yourself? Where does one start?


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