We were there just over an hour. I'd had two bottles of lager and enough poppadoms to sink a small dinghy and the combination of booze, spice and him sitting opposite me did not make a good mix. After getting to a stage of being so angry that I could no longer push fork fulls of curry between my gritted teeth I demanded he drive me home.
He got the bill and I paid my share - it's only fair, then stomped to the car with arms firmly folded and a sullen look, I waited impatiently for him to unlock the doors.
Silence prevailed all the way home and once parked I asked if he wanted to come in. He said he thought it would be good to have a chat and how sorry he was that I was so sad and angry.
What followed can only be blamed on the booze and spinach...
...We lunged at each other with a passion usually reserved for the big screen and yes the inevitable happened, and it was lovely so I'm not going to apologise. We are both adults and consenting so just stop judging me. And, by the way, I'm not weak...it took a lot of effort to get those boots off quickly I'll have you know.
Once the deed was done we spent a beautiful hour laid in each others arms just chatting and cuddling. At one point I thought he would stay but he has now gone to his own bed.
Nothing was said about recent events, I think we were just enjoying the trip down memory lane and keeping our bubble of happiness intact for the short time we had together. But, I did say that there would always be a place for him...in my heart...and that is the truth.
I don't know now what we are, we are certainly not 'Together' nor are we 'Just Friends' so, if a title needs to be used, maybe we could just be 'Lovers' for a little while until we decide differently. It feels right to both of us at the moment and I hope you all understand that actually I want this at the moment?
"Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't." -- Eleanor Roosevelt
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