Thursday 12 January 2012

Life is beautiful

Oh yes it is...never forget that. Just because you don't feel it right now, you will do soon. Nothing can be done that can't be undone and true friends stay with you no matter what. There is a solution to every problem and try not to sweep things under the rug to try and make them disappear.

Why the inspirational twaddle? I hear you ask..

Well, I shall tell you. I've had two very bad days and ended up coming home early to sob my heart out (again) and not being able to complete the most simple of tasks (again). Today I saw my doctor and cried on his shoulder (not literally) for half an hour telling him exactly what has happened and how I feel.

He said it was normal to feel like this. Normal? I've never been normal in my life and what a relief it is to hear, finally, that I have achieved it!

Yes yes I hear you shouting that normal is boring and to define what is normal but hold on here a cotton picking minute! For the last three weeks I have been at rock bottom and to know it is how the normal average person feels during these times was music to my ears and made me feel so much better.

Poor doctor! Even his wages don't cover the snotty mess I was this morning but I got it all out, all the necrotic feelings and thoughts. He sat and actually listened too, which was nice. He had some real solutions to offer too, not just a prescription.

I read a quote today and it went something like this:
 Never regret anything that made you smile
And I shall try and remember this, a wise woman told me not to look back on something that ended badly thinking the whole time was a bad thing and she's right. We had some wonderful times and I shall remember then fondly forever.

She also told me that there is never an ending, just a new beginning.

That wise woman is my Mum, the best medicine in the world x


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