Saturday 7 January 2012

Gone fishing

So, I felt much better when I woke up this morning. It followed a lovely evening chatting to a nice man on an Internet dating site. Yes, I'd gone fishing...again.

He seems to be very nice and intelligent which is very important to me and we got on very well. He asked me out for a date and it was lovely - very flattering. But I realised that I'm far from ready to start again, to go through the getting to know each other stage. I'm not excited and childish about love anymore. Love is a hassle, brings heartache and is an anchor around ones neck.

This may seem a stupid question, but why, when you join an Internet dating site, do men automatically think you are up for sex? Whatever happened to friends first then feelings moving on, people falling in love and they didn't even realise?

In this day and age we are all too busy to be able to meet new people in the old fashioned sense, I don't work with many men so how do I find male friends? Ones that I can get to know, have a giggle with and then realise we have more in common than first appeared. Men I enjoy spending time with just because we get on well. At school I had many male friends but they didn't expect me to sleep with them.

I don't want to lead people on but I'd so like to extend my friendship circle and be able to just go out and have fun without the awkward feeling that I must give the other person something in return. I don't want to have to sleep with every man I meet just so I can go out for a drink or a meal and have them feel satisfied afterwards.

Is there any friendship websites? I know there's meeting places for all different sexual preferences and even for people who want to have affairs but where are the ones for the people who don't want sex? Am I in the minority? 

I shall keep my rod dangling but I know I'll end up throwing every single one back...for now anyway.


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